Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Create room for free user hack | Realease

Ninja Saga PvP VIP (Create Room) Hack by Ex-Hax

Tools Required:

Fiddler2 : | Download Tools Here |

SWF Files : | Download Now |

- Private Room should be for everyone, not just emblem players!
- So through this hack everyone can create their own private room!


1. Download SWF File Above
2. Open Fiddler.
3. Drag 'shop_new' swf file in fiddler
4. Click clear cache in fiddler
5. Now clear your browser's cache
6. Open Ninja Saga
7. Go to Shop -> Buy Emblem + 2K Tokens (Not Permanent)
8. Go to PvP -> Just have to be lucky enough to find place & get in
9. After you have joined PvP, note you are an Emblem User
~~ Now you can create your own private room in NS PvP
10. Create Room -> Set a Password if you want (Optional)
11. Invite your friends or NS players by giving them the Room No. & Password (give it through chatting or post it in an open group/page)
Enjoy PvP Smile

Team/Handicap/Party Battlese (3 vs 3) will be available soon in NS PVP!

Credit : Ex-Hax

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